To clean up CSS Coding in Squarespace CSS: CMD + A (select all), shift + tab (clean up)

/* H4 */

h4 { font-family: montserrat;

font-weight: 400;

font-size: 1em;

font-style: normal;

line-height: 1.8em;

letter-spacing: .3em;

text-transform: uppercase;


/* Remove auto-hypenate */

h1, h2, h3, p {

-webkit-hyphens: manual !important;

-moz-hyphens: manual !important;

-ms-hyphens: manual !important;

hyphens: manual !important;}

/*Horizontal Line */

hr {

background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffdd15, #F55536);

padding: 3px;


/*Change Heading to H4 font */

BlockID# h1 { —heading-1-size-value: var(—heading-4-size-value); }

/* Hover Effects */

/* Change text link to italic on hover */

p2 a:hover {

font-style: italic;


/* images */

.sqs-block-image:hover img{

transform: scale(1.05) !important;

transition: all ease-in-out .5s !important;


/* custom bullets */

ul[data-rte-list] li>*:first-child::before {

content: "✓";


OR to add an image

/* custom bullets */

section[data-section-id="6597288c44732f1e7a5421bf"] ul li {

height: 60px;


section[data-section-id="6597288c44732f1e7a5421bf"] ul[data-rte-list] li>*:first-child::before {

content: "";


section[data-section-id="6597288c44732f1e7a5421bf"] .sqs-block-content li:before {

content: "";

display: block;

height: 25px;

position: relative;

top: 42px;

left: -40px;

width: 25px;

background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE);

background-size: contain;

margin-right: 5px;


/* Hide Announcement bar close */

.sqs-announcement-bar-close {display: none}


/* H4 */

h4 {

font-family: montserrat;

font-weight: 400;

font-size: 1em;

line-height: 1.8em;

letter-spacing: .3em;

text-transform: uppercase;


/* Remove auto-hypenate */

h1, h2, h3, p {

-webkit-hyphens: manual !important;

-moz-hyphens: manual !important;

-ms-hyphens: manual !important;

hyphens: manual !important;}

/* Hover Effects */

/* Change text link to italic on hover */

p2 a:hover {

font-style: italic;


/*OR ADD a shape behind text box and use this code:

section[data-section-id="651e0a1874c6cf321fdee9eb"] {

svg.sqs-shape {

stroke: #000000;

stroke-width: 1px;

overflow: initial;


/** Line Outline for List Boxes **/


border-top: 8px solid #225265;

border-bottom: 8px solid #E2504B;



//* Image Float *//

#block-c34b1df7503a474c1c67 {

transform: translateY(-10%);

z-index: 10;


// Vertical Text for Campaign 6 //

/** vertical text **/

@media only screen and (min-width: 780px){#block-ab016e2b53e285d1f113, #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1697415057606_205786{ h4 {

transform: rotate(270deg);

margin-right: 3vw;

top: 7vw;

position: absolute;

right: 0;

font-size: 0.8em;


} }}

/* Rotate text */


@media screen and (min-width: 640px) { h4 { transform: rotate(-90deg);

margin-left: -5vw;

position: relative;

right: 10px;

font-size: .9em;

} }}


/*Horizontal Line */

hr {

background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffdd15, #F55536);

padding: 3px;


/* Line Rotation */

.vertical-line {

background: #E2504B;

width: 2px;

height: 300px;

margin: 0 auto;


/*OR ADD a shape behind text box and use this code:

section[data-section-id="651e0a1874c6cf321fdee9eb"] {

svg.sqs-shape {

stroke: #000000;

stroke-width: 1px;

overflow: initial;


/** Line Outline for List Boxes **/


border-top: 8px solid #225265;

border-bottom: 8px solid #E2504B;



/* images */

.sqs-block-image:hover img{

transform: scale(1.05) !important;

transition: all ease-in-out .5s !important;


//* Image Float *//

#block-c34b1df7503a474c1c67 {

transform: translateY(-10%);

z-index: 10;


// End Climate Change //

// Priorities Section on #5 //


.sqs-background-enabled:hover {

transform: scale(1.05) !important;

transition: all ease-in-out .5s !important;


// END Issues Section on #5 //


/* Gradient Overlay to Header Image */

@media only screen and (min-width:750px) {section[data-section-id="6597288c44732f1e7a5421b6"] .section-background-overlay {

opacity: .75 !important;

background: linear-gradient(to right,#fff,transparent);


/* Change Direction of Gradient on Mobile */

@media only screen and (max-width:750px) {section[data-section-id="6597288c44732f1e7a5421b6"] .section-background-overlay {

opacity: .75 !important;

background: linear-gradient(to top,#fff,transparent);


Hover Effects

/* Hover Effects */

/* Change text link to italic on hover */

p2 a:hover {

font-style: italic;


/* list items */

.list-item:hover .list-item-content__button {

background-color: #353C3C!important;


.list-item:hover {

transform: scale(1.05) !important;

transition: all ease-in-out .2s !important;

background-color: #DCEFF5!important;


.list-item:hover .list-item-media img{

transform: scale(1.05) !important;

transition: all ease-in-out .5s !important;


/* images */

.sqs-block-image:hover img{

transform: scale(1.05) !important;

transition: all ease-in-out .5s !important;


// Remove Slash From Folder Nav //

.header-nav .header-nav-item--folder .header-nav-folder-content .header-nav-folder-item a:after {

content: "" !important;


// Remove Active Nav Line //

.header-nav-item--active a {

background-image: none !important;
